• Learn How To Clean RGP Contact Lenses The Right Way

    By Steve Cogger

    All contact lenses are not created equally, and neither are all contact lens solutions. For those who wear rigid gas permeable lenses, it is important to understand how to clean rgp contact lenses.  Read..

  • Is There a Perfect Contact Lens For Dry Eyes?

    By Steve Cogger

    Do you have dry eyes? Whether you just feel like you have dry eyes or your doctor has told you, there are contact lenses made just for you. Dry eye contact lenses vary depending on the type of dry eye.  Read..

  • 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

    By Tanya Turner

    Do you eyes feel tired and sore by the end of the day? Modern life puts a lot of stress on our bodies and eyes are among the first things to suffer.  Read..

  • 10 Tips to Help Ensure Eye Health

    By Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

    To best maintain your small pet's eye health, look daily for these tell-tale signs of unhealthy eyes  Read..

  • 7 Ways To Save Your Eyesight

    By Glenn Mueller eDiets Senior Writer

    How much time do you spend in front of the computer? While eDiets members know first-hand many of the benefits that being online can provide, extensive computer work can take its toll on your eyes.  Read..

  • What Are Cataracts And How Do You Prevent Them?

    By J. Schipper

    As the population ages, cataracts are becoming a growing health concern.A cataract is a clouding of the eye lens to such an extent that it affects vision. The majority of cataracts develop due to the aging process, and by age 80, more than half of all Americans have them.  Read..

  • Sight for Sore Eyes: Preventing Computer Eyestrain

    By Karen Barrow

    You do it when you check your email; you do it when you surf the web. In fact, you're probably doing it right now—straining your eyes in front of the computer.  Read..


    By Dr William Taylor - Eye Specialist

    As we all grow older, changes occur in our organ systems including our eyes. Most ocular changes associated with age are not a reflection of disease processes but can have a significant effect on vision.  Read..

  • 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Eyes Healthy

    By Tanya Turner

    Do you eyes feel tired and sore by the end of the day? Modern life puts a lot of stress on our bodies and eyes are among the first things to suffer. But it doesn't have to be this way. Learn simple things you can do for your eye health and your eyes will feel and look much better in only a few days.  Read..

  • Watch Out for Glaucoma, the Thief of Sight

    Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight because in its early stages, there is no pain or any other symptoms. It can steal your vision before you even know you have the disease. In fact, more than 4 million people have glaucoma, and 2 million of them don't know it.  Read..

  • Healthy eyes linked to healthy diet and lifestyle

    By Joanna Seddon

    A healthy diet containing plenty of antioxidants and fish can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), says a new study from Harvard Medical School.  Read..

  • Greatly improved outcomes for Keratoconus patients

    By John Andrews

    Keratoconus is a fairly uncommon non inflammatory eye condition that affects the cornea (the transparent window at the front of the eye). It causes changes within the structure of the cornea making it weaken and thin resulting in ‘cone-shaped’ bulging.  Read..

  • Glaucoma

    By Arturo Moreno Perez

    Glaucoma is a disorder that manifests itself in frequent clinic visits, is produced by increased intraocular pressure and affecting more than 2% of the population of the world from between 40 and 50 years. It is not a disorder that is deve move left over because if untreated, leads to blindness.  Read..

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