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      As it is evident in most published research that atherosclerosis is the most important cause of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), and CHD is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity for human being in the whole world. The disease is termed in layman term as Heart Attack and erroneously as Stroke by some. But Stroke is concerned with brain not with heart. Atherosclerosis is the main culprit for both CAD and Stroke.

     Atherosclerosis is a disease process due to increased fat level in blood called as lipoproteins resulting deposition of these fat in the wall of the blood vessels causing narrowing/obstruction of the lumen of the blood vessels, as a result of which blood flow is compromised to the various organs of the body. There are so many risk factors responsible for atherosclerosis and one of most common is age. As age increases the risk increases and in older people( more than 60 years) atherosclerotic changes is found in many blood vessels. Atherosclerosis is a disease of arteries not of veins. The fact behind this is that a connective tissue layer is present in the walls of arteries and not in veins. A celltype called as mast cells are present in the connective tissue layer which secrets/activates one enzyme called as lipoprotein lipase which regulates lipid entry/deposition/utilization into the walls of the blood vessels.

    In old age the connective tissue gets atrophy in all over the body as well as in the arterial walls so mast cells are reduced . As a result of which the balance between the fat deposition and clearing is disturbed in the arterial walls giving rise to more and more deposition of a type of fat called as Low Density Lipoprotein giving rise to atherosclerosis resulting in CAD and Stroke. In order to get rid of these severe consequences of atherosclerosis lipoprotein lipase enzyme can be a future option for preventive and curative therapy . 

Article By: Dr. Ganesh Chandra Mohapatra

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