Diseases and Conditions › Sleep Disorders

  • Hypnosis Helps You To Sleep Well And Overcome Insomnia

    By Roseanna Leaton

    When you haven't slept you simply do not feel quite right. Your energy levels are depleted and you feel like you are running on a low-grade fuel. Your body feels sluggish and your mind is equally not as sharp as you would like it to be.  Read..

  • Help To Cure Insomnia

    By Roseanna Leaton

    There's nothing worse that knowing that you are tired and yet not being able to sleep. It's more than just frustrating. It is debilitating, especially the following day when you are just not up to doing all the things that you need to do. Neither your body nor your mind are up to par.  Read..

  • Herbal Supplements commonly used for Sleep Disorder

    By Ember Logan

    Sleeping disorder may seem to be a mild problem, but it is one of the problems, which may lead to severe health issues. Problems like loss of concentration, irritation, depression, frequent illness, and accidents may arise due to poor sleeping habits.  Read..

  • Sleep Aid Medications

    By Recovery Connection

    Sleep aids are designed to be used as a short term solution to temporary insomnia. If the condition is of long term duration, a medical condition can be the underlying cause. This group of drugs actually falls under the class of drugs known as sedative/hypnotics which slow down the nervous system. There are a number of drugs used for the treatment of insomnia including antihistamines, benzodiazepines and herbal remedies. The main ingredient in over - the-counter sleep aids is an antihistamine. Often over-the-counter sleep aids will have both an antihistamine and a pain reliever such as acetaminophen and like prescription sleep aids, over-the-counter sleep aids should only be taken as a short term solution.  Read..

  • PRANAYAMA in treatment of OSA/OHS

    By Dr. Ganesh Chandra Mohapatra. MD,FCCM

    Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) and obesity hypoventilation syndrome(OHS) are two important and dangerous disorders, occur in most peaceful portion of human life-sleep. This occurs due to partial narrowing of the upper airways during the sleep resulting decreased air entry into the lungs giving rise to further physio-pathological concequences.The most common provocating factors for these sleep related disorders(usually called as sleep-related-breathing-disorders"SRBD") is obesity and overweight and its grave concequences are translated as ischemic heart disease,stroke,diabetes melitus,psychiatric manifestations like anxiety,depression,cognitive impairment and memory dysfunctions.It is estimated that around 10 to 25 % of populations are affected by SRBD worldwide. Future risk may be increased upto 2 to 3 folds due to further changes of life style as the world advances towards more modernity  Read..

  • Sleep and Creativity

    By Kelly Williams

    When do you get your best ideas? When you're up tight, faced with a deadline and under a lot of pressure? A poll conducted by the East of England Development Agency revealed that most creativity, most new ideas, come to workers, not in the workplace, but in a more relaxing environment.  Read..

  • Sleep Disorders:Alternative Therapy

    By Tracy Shuman, MD, WebMD

    A health treatment that is not classified as standard western medical practice is referred to as "alternative." Alternative therapy encompasses a variety of disciplines that include everything from diet and exercise to mental conditioning and lifestyle changes.  Read..

  • Sleep Disorders in Children with Epilepsy: More Common than You Think

    By Jenna Martin, Senior Editor - Epilepsy.com

    Past research conducted in the field of childhood epilepsy has clearly shown a link between behavioral problems and epilepsy.  Read..

  • Sleep Apnea: A Sleeping Disorder

    By Olga Sen

    In the middle of every night, do you suddenly wake up choking and gasping for air? It can not be due to a nightmare every night.  Read..

  • Sleep Disorders: Types, Diagnosis, Risk Factors, and Prevention

    By Heather Larson, Gina Kemp, M.A., and Robert Segal, M.A., contributed to this article.

    More than 1,500 people die every year in fatigue-related crashes. Those with untreated sleep problems are at increased risk for these crashes.
    Source: National Sleep Foundation  Read..

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