Diseases and ConditionsEye Health › 10 Tips to Help Ensure Eye Health

To best maintain your small pet's eye health, look daily for these tell-tale signs of unhealthy eyes:


  1. Cloudiness (lack of clarity)
  2. Dullness (no shine or sparkle to the eyes)
  3. Discharge/wateriness
  4. Matted fur around eyes
  5. Foreign objects in eye
  6. Swollen eyelids
  7. Sunken or protruding eyes
  8. Inability or unwillingness to open the eye
  9. Pawing at the eye

Because your small pet is a prey animal in nature, he will instinctively hide signs of sickness to avoid appearing weak. By the time your pet exhibits signs that you recognize, he is likely very sick. Don't wait to contact your veterinarian if your pet exhibits any of the above signs.
Follow these 10 tips to help ensure your small pet's eye health:

1-Locate your small pet's cage in a draft-free area with constant temperatures. Drafts can dry eyes out, and temperature fluctuation can stress your pet.

2-Keep your pet's cage clean and dry.

3-Avoid bedding with aromatic oils, such as cedar. These may irritate eyes. Aspen bedding or shredded paper is a better choice.

4-Avoid dusty bedding and litter (if applicable), as dust can easily get in eyes.

5-Feed nutritious foods and treats.

6-Complement your small pet's diet with nutritious supplements, for overall health.

7-Ensure that clean, fresh water is always available.

8-Provide plenty of opportunities for exercise.

9-Avoid toys and cages with sharp edges/pointed ends that could accidentally damage eyes.

10-Provide safe, quiet hideaways and sleeping areas.

Article Source:http://drsfostersmith.com

Article By: Drs. Foster & Smith Educational Staff

Views: 3338
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