Diseases and Conditions › Back and Neck Injuries

  • Corona Discharge Radiofrequency (CDR) for Pain Relief

    By Dr. Sunita Khatri

    pain has been defined as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage."  Read..

  • Aquatic Physiotherapy

    By Moneera Mellick

    The healing effect of water is not a new notion. For centuries – ancient civilisations including the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians bathed in even older waters to cleanse their bodies of troubling ailments. While these days our muscles seem somewhat less defined, with the aid of a more modest wardrobe, one thing remains unchanged. Those two hydrogen atoms married with oxygen make for a lifesaving combination  Read..

  • 8 Pain Relievers You'll Never Hear About From Your Doctor

    By Jesse Cannone

    Most pain relief medications, including over the counter pills widely available on your local grocery store shelves, have dangerous side effects. But doing nothing when you're in pain isn't an option for most folks.  Read..

  • Neck Pain? 5 Surprising Ways to Heal the Hurt

    By Jesse Cannone

    You've tried everything to get rid of your neck pain: physical therapy, cortisone shots, prescription pain pills -- you name it, you've done it. So why does your neck still feel like it's stuck in a vise that's being turned tighter and tighter?  Read..

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