Diseases and ConditionsSkin Conditions › Chemical Peel Treatments for Age Spots

Age spots, commonly referred to as liver spots, are flat spots found on sun-exposed skin particularly the hands, face, shoulders, arms and forehead. The color of these spots range from light brown to black and can appear on nearly all skin types. Age spots increase with age and with increased UV exposure. From the age of 40 onwards, the skin is less able to regenerate from sun exposure and liver spots become more prominent.

Many people who want a more youthful appearance, have sought cosmetic procedures to rid themselves of these skin blemishes. To this end, many doctors, cosmetic professional and medspa around the country have been using chemical peels to effectively treat age spot & other hyperpigmintation. In a typical chemical peel procedure, chemical solution is applied to the skin, which causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. While this sounds harsh, it is typically an effective means to gradually remove skin discolorations and age spots.

A “TCA” chemical peel is one such procedure that can be used to treat age spots & Hyperpigmentation. TCA, short for Trichloroacetic Acid, is a medium depth peel, strong enough to remove the 2 outermost layers of skin. However, the concentration can be reduced to treat less severe skin problems. TCA chemical peels provide an intermediate level of improvement at an intermediate cost and recovery period.

A Glycolic Acid Peel is another chemical peel commonly used to treat sun damaged skin. The Acids typically used in this type of peel are Natural fruit acids, otherwise known as alpha hydroxy acids. Glycolic Acid peels will lighten brown spots and even out other irregularities in pigmentation to give the skin a more uniform color. The Glycolic Acid Peel is thought of as a milder peel, thus side effects or downtime is practically non-existent.

The Jessner Peel is a chemical peel solution comprised of many ingredients, including resorcinol, lactic acid and salicylic acid. Jessner's peels can improve upon such skin problems as brown discoloration and blemishes, acne, and sun damaged and weathered skin. Although it can penetrate more deeply into the epidermal layers of the skin, the Jessner Peel is gentler than other chemical peels like the TCA peel. Thus, patients can return to normal activities more quickly.

As you can see, the treatments available to combat age spots & skin blemishes are increasing. It is advised that you consult your local cosmetic specialist to find out more info. Getting Rid of Age Spots for more details.

Article By: Ron Grey

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