Diseases and ConditionsDiabetes › Diabetes Symptoms, When to See the Doctor?

The cases of diabetes are growing in the United States today. This is due in part to our aging population as well as to our growing waistlines. It is important for people that are at risk to know the most common diabetes symptoms and what to do if they should arise.

The reason that so many people do not know that they may have diabetes is because some people show no diabetes symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to have blood work checked every year after the age of 45. This is often part of a routine physical at this age, but it is always a good idea to check with the doctor to make sure the test is being run.

Along with this list of symptoms, diabetes can also be accompanied by stomach pains, vomiting or nausea. If these symptoms occur in conjunction with the list, it could be the immediate onset of type 1 diabetes, otherwise known as insulin-dependent diabetes. When you call your doctors' office for an appointment, be sure to tell them you are experiencing possible diabetes symptoms and that you need to be seen right away.

The first thing that you should know about diabetes is, it is very important to pay attention to your body. There are over one million new diagnoses of diabetes that are made each year. Diabetes is directly or indirectly the cause of approximately 200,000 deaths every year. It is estimated that 17 million people in America have diabetes, it is also estimated that approximately one third of these people do not even know they have the disease.

There are some common diabetes symptoms that should be checked out by a physician. By themselves, each symptom is not a cause for alarm. However, if more than a couple are noticed at one time, an appointment with your primary care physician should be made without hesitation.

Article Source: http://my-ehealth.com/

Article By: John Mancini

Views: 5199
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