Diseases and ConditionsBlood Pressure › Help To Calm Yourself And Feel Less Anxious

Even the most laidback person knows what it feels like when you are anxious. Your heard beats faster, breathing comes more quickly and you feel wound up in many different physical and emotional ways.

Anxiety is uncomfortable. Your body is on "high alert". Your body is poised to flight, flee or freeze. These reactions, although natural and instinctive, are not usually the most appropriate responses to circumstances faced in this day and age.

As you get older most people experience anxiety more frequently, perhaps because you get to feel less in control of many aspects in your life. Your body isn't as strong and able as it used to be and many things you used to take for granted become difficult if not impossible to do. To feel out of control does naturally trigger anxiety. This is totally understandable.

Although understandable, the anxiety response in many circumstances only serves to aggravate matters. For example I came across a lady who is in her eighties the other day in an extreme state if anxiety because she couldn’t find her favorite pen. She had many other perfectly good pens, she had used this particular pen within the last few hours and she hadn’t been out of the room where she was since then.

Thus it was clear that the pen must be in the room, albeit not easy to locate at first glance. It couldn't have really been lost and its whereabouts would inevitably be revealed in due course. Her response was totally out of proportion to the event.

But was it really that out of proportion? If you think about it, this lady already lives in a constant state where she feels out of control. She feels vulnerable and "wobbly" every moment of the day. The lost pen was merely a tipping point that pushed her anxiety over the edge.

The majority of elderly people will relate to this type of event. Those who have learned over the years how to soothe their nerves and put things into better perspective will respond more calmly because of this past learning.

It is hugely important for your mental equilibrium to learn how to relax and calm yourself. It is important to learn how to take a step back and to put things into a better perspective. The earlier in life you learn this ability the easier life will be.

In effect you can train your brain to see whether something is a real threat or an imagined threat and thus respond more appropriately. This can be achieved at any age, but the younger you are the easier it is to achieve and the more time left to reinforce this habit.

Hypnosis is very helpful in retraining yourself to be calmer and less anxious. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation and therefore simply by using hypnosis you will feel calmer.

There is an added and very important benefit that you can gain from the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that acts automatically and instinctively. Suggestions can be made to interrupt inappropriate triggers to anxiety and pave the way to responding to such circumstances in a calmer and more logical manner.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis mp3 downloads to help cope with anxiety better.

P.S. Discover how you can focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.


Article By: Roseanna Leaton

Views: 110
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