Diseases and ConditionsCancers › Uterine tumours, now controlled by the morning after pill

Contraceptive accidents are something that no couple has complete control over. Even via the use of reliable daily contraceptives, there are chances that your daily pill may fail to provide you with protection. If you have used a condom as a contraceptive, there are chances that a condom slip or tear may occur, increasing your risk of conceiving. Such accidents have led to the discovery of contraceptive methods that can help you evade the risk of pregnancy under the circumstances. These contraceptive methods are called emergency contraception or the morning after pills, which like any other hormonal contraceptive consists of synthetic hormones.

One of the most popular morning after pills used by women is ellaOne. This pill, though a recent addition to the list of emergency contraceptives has become more popular amongst women because of its unique benefit. The ellaOne pill can be taken 120 hours or five days after the contraceptive accident has occurred. This pill consists of a single hormone in synthetic form, the progestogen. The synthetic progestogen present in the ellaOne emergency contraceptive is ulipristal acetate. With the help of this hormone, ellaOne performs three different function is order to prevent you from being pregnant.

Apart from its effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, ellaOne has also been found to prevent bleeding cause by fibroids. The uterine fibroids are a type of non-cancerous tumours, which usually develop in your uterus. These fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic cramps, pain while having sex and increase in the frequency to urinate. Studies have found that ellaOne has been able to control the bleeding that is caused by these fibroids. Results form this pill, also showed changes in the endometrium tissue, which were temporary and disappeared within six months of taking the medication. The study that reached this conclusion was conducted by Dr. Jacques Donnez from the Saint-Luc Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.

During the first trial, there were 96 women who took the 5mg ellaOne pill, 98 women who took 10mg ellaOne pill on a daily basis and an additional of 48 women taking the placebo pills for a period of 13 weeks. At the end of trial, it was observed that 91% of the women taking 5mg ellaOne pill experienced a significant reduction in bleeding. Amongst the women taking 10mg pills, 92% women experienced a significant reduction in the bleeding, while a mere 19% women experienced such results from the placebo group. The side effects that occurred in the women using ellaOne were headaches and tenderness in their breasts.

In the second trial, there were 307 women who participated, taking 5mg or 10mg of the ellaOne pills or were receiving an injection of leuprolide acetate, a medication for fibroids, once a month. Women taking these medications were able to experience a significant reduction in bleeding. However, the time that it took for the medication to control the bleeding differed from about five days to almost three weeks. Although this medication has been found effective in controlling bleeding, women using it as an emergency contraception should not use the pill for more than once. You can visit http://www.healthexpress.eu.html

Article By: Adelisa Neumark

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