this is an posterior view of the MALE pelvic region in relation to the surrounding structures
1. left suprarenal gland
2. spleen
3. tail of pancreas
4. inferior part of the pleura
5. stomach
6. left kidny
7. duodenojejunal flexure
8. descending colon
9. iliac crest
10. ascending part of duodenum
11. small intestine
12. left ureter
13. posterior superior iliac spine
14. sigmoid colon
15. spine of the ischium bone
16. ischial tuberosity
17. coccyx
18. seminal vesicle
19. ductus deferens
20. rectum
21. appendix
22. sacrum
23. cecum
24. right ureter
25. horizontal part of duodenum
26. ascending colon
27. right kidney
28. head of pancreas
29. inferior margin of liver
30. right lobe of the liver
31. duodenum
32. right suprarenal gland
33. right lung
34. inferior vena cava
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