Digestive system (GIT "gastrointestinal tract")

this image shows the digestive system of the GIT "gastrointestinal tract" the system responsible for the digestion and absorption of the food we eat.displaying the different organs that forms that system in relation to each other.not only the digestive tube (from the mouth to the anus ) but also the accessory digestive organs like the liver and the pancreas.

1. mouth
2. tongue
3. pharynx
4. esophagus
5. Stomach
6. Duodenum
7. Jejunum
8. Ileum
9. Appendix
10. Ascending colon
11. Transverse colon
12. Descending colon
13. Sigmoid colon
14. Rectum
15. Anus
16. Liver
17. Gall bladder
18. Pancreas

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