Your arteries carry blood away from the heart. Oxygenated blood is pumped out of the heart through the body's main artery — the aorta. Arteries that branch off the aorta transport blood throughout the body, supplying tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
1. superficial temporal artery
2. posterior auricular artery
3. common carotid artery
4. subclavian artery
5. brachiocephalic artery
6. axillary artery
7. deep brachial artery
8. brachial artery
9. aorta
10. radial artery
11. interosseous artery
12. ulnar artery
13. deep palmar arch
14. superficial palmar arch
15. external carotid artery
16. internal carotid artery
17. vertebral artery
18. aorta
19. aortic arch
20. pulmonary artery
21. cardiac artery
22. thoracic aorta
23. celiac artery
24. superior mesenteric artery
25. renal artery
26. gonaldal artery
27. inferior mesenteric artery
28. common iliac artery
29. external iliac artery
30. internal iliac artery
31. deep femoral artery
32. femoral artery
33. popliteal artery
34. anterior tibial artery
35. peroneal artery
36. posterior tibial artery
37. descending genicular artery
AMAs Current Procedural Terminology, Revised 1998 Edition. CPT is a trademark of the American Medical Association.
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