Environmental Medicine

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 7 Website (Websites) found  (Search results from 1 to 7)

Taking an Exposure History


Illustrates the principles and process of investigating environmental and occupational illness. Also provides an exposure history form to guide the clinician through various aspects of this process.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

University of Kansas Center for Environmental and Occupational Health


Provides clinical and preventive medicine services and educational and research programs directed at understanding the relationships between human health and hazards in the environment.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

Environmental Health Center


Diagnosis/treatment for individuals with allergy and environmental-related illnesses.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit # 5


Provides consultation and recommendations plus epidemiological, laboratory, and technical services in matters of preventive medicine and environmental health to commands afloat and ashore.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

New York University (NYU) Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine


One of the nation's oldest and foremost centers for research into the health effects of environmental pollution.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

University of Oklahoma Health Science Center Division of Occupational and Environmental Health


Contains information on graduate programs, faculty, current research, and affiliated programs.

Category:  › Environmental Medicine

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