You dont have to accept living with pain. Instead of suffering and limiting your activities, talk to the osteopaths at Penarth Osteopathic Practice. Osteopaths are trained to identify the underlying cause of the pain and treat that condition. They help their patients overcome many types of painful conditions such as lower back pain, hip pain, and shoulder pain. Osteopathy is a holistic approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions that could be caused by injury, accident, or repetitive use. Talk to the friendly Penarth osteopaths and learn to live pain free.
Osteopathy is an effective, non-invasive treatment for everyday aches, work-related injuries, sports injuries, and a variety of painful conditions. The osteopaths at Penarth Osteopathic Practice identify the underlying causes of the pain and treat the condition. The Sports Injury Cardiff Clinic is conveniently located in Spire Hospital. The osteopaths can offer insight and teach patients how to prevent the same injuries from recurring. Call for an appointment to discuss how osteopathy can help you.
At Castle Hill Osteopathic Clinic, we strive to provide a personalized approach to your health care needs. Feel free to contact us at the center if you would like any more information at the time being.
Exploring the role of the third lumbar vertebra in the genesis of osteo-articular diseases of mechanical origin.
Describes the practice of traditional osteopathic medicine, including osteopathy in the cranial field.
Information about osteopathy, a medical practice which emphasises the inter-relationship of the body's nerves, muscles, bones, and organs.
For osteopathic medical students, residents, physicians, and those interested in osteopathic medicine.
Brief personal story of how I discovered osteopathy, and its philosophy of personal medicine.